Being over 50 I have come to the conclusion that “being nice” is waaaaaaay over-rated. Sometimes I dream about giving a scorpion as a present. Why not? It’s for an ex boss that has everything. I know what your thinking. Yes, I would have it gift wrapped with a matching bow. I’m not that callous.
There are people I no longer want to be around except for what is absolutely necessary. I bet you have some in your family or “friend of a friend” circle too. I have an internal “nice” meter and sometime I just run out of “minutes.” No “rollover minutes” either. When I’m done, I politely make up a lie and go home. The fact that I lie and make up stories might surprise you. One thing I learned in nursing: Therapeutic Fabrication is not lying. It brings peace on earth and goodwill to all.
I used to journal when I didn’t feel like being “nice.” I don’t have time to do all that long hand writing about someone that causes me pain and suffering. It contributes to my carpal tunnel syndrome. I have found a convenient check list letter that helps me to channel my seriously not nice feelings.
Acceptance Letter:
This letter is not to be sent. If you do send this, your acceptance may possibly be (circle one)
- Irrevocable
- Irreplaceable
- A Broadway hit musical
- Irreversible
- Thrown back in your face at the speed of light
Dear (circle one)
- Thighs
- Daughter/son (or any variation of)
- Ex (boyfriend, girlfriend, other___________)
- Mom/Dad
- Boss
- Engagement ring
- Religious leader
- Mother-law, Father in Law
- Expensive meal
- Expensive so-called-trip-of-a-lifetime
- Family pet
- Pet rock
- 1987 Mustang
- Other____________________
This letter is for me and is my declaration of acceptance.
I am done harboring ill feelings toward you as (circle as many as you need)
- An inanimate object of my desire
- A Person that I gave birth to
- A Person that owes me money
- Car that broke down
- A person that I wed
- A family that I wed into
- Pet that I rescued and didn’t want in the first place Body Part_______________
- Other____________________
The energy it takes to harbor these negative emotions has (circle all that apply)
- Given me hemorrhoids
- Given me extreme flatulence
- Given me Heartache
- Depleted my bank account
- Over extended my karma warantee
- Ruined my diet
- Made my drug dealer thank me profusely
- Fed the proverbial “elephant in the living room” more than peanuts
- Made my blood pressure go sky high
- Other_____________________
Accepting the fact that (circle one: you or it,) didn’t meet my dreams or expectations, I realize I can learn to (circle one: love, wash, feed, pray for, stalk, work for) you in an entirely different way.
Feeling out of control has a lot to do with acceptance. With that said, I realize what I do have control over in our relationship is. (Circle All that apply):
- Unconditional love
- My bank account
- My chocolate intake
- Spending time with you (or not)
- Taking you to the vet
- Taking you to the cleaners
- Watering you
- Listening to you whine (or not)
- Other_____________________
I am in the process of appreciating you in a new way. The rate at which I am doing this may be compared to circle one)
- A bat out of hell
- Slow as molasses in February
- Being shot out of a canon
- Taking 1 step forward and 2 steps backward
- a centipede putting on shoes
- Other________________
Please accept my apology for not realizing how my “non acceptance” has affected you. I know I have been angry and it has manifested toward you. In the future I will;
- Listen to you. However, your anger needs to be discussed with a trained: (circle one) Professional wrestler, therapist, dog whisperer, pharmaceutical rep
- Take my medicine as prescribed
- Talk calmly with you
- Drink and meditate or drink and medicate before we see each other or
- Walk you before meals
- Say “Thank You” more often
- Not offer you money or things, reconnect the spark plugs
- Clean up my needles and drug paraphernalia
- Share my chocolate
- Tell you up front how much I have for “bail money”
- Other_____________________
I also accept that these conditions of acceptance and apology may not be suitable for you (circle one):
- For now
- Ever
- When pigs fly
- You have got to be kidding!
- Rot in jail you bastard!
With love and new beginnings,
I hope this journal check list helps you. I’m sharing only because I have a few minutes left on my nice meter.