What’s So Spooky About Evil?
Unity Church and Spiritual Center - October 27 I don’t know when I first heard the word Evil. I cant remember if it was at Temple , and hearing something about these 2 naked( I don’t think I knew what naked meant) people, one who ate an [...]
That’s Not Funny: Taking the Risk to Grieve with Humor and Tears
Mom, age 65, died 2 weeks after being diagnosed with cancer. A small cell carcinoma lurked in her lungs and hid behind her sternum. Undetected for months, the cancer had metastasized to her long bones of her body and her adrenal glands above her kidney. The pain [...]
Radio Interview with God
To my listening audience: In a special ‘alive’ interview with the ‘King of Creation’, the “’Ultimate of Deities’ (with my apologies to Buddhism) and … ‘Our Maker of all Creation.’, I present to you God, on, ‘Silence.’ DH: God, may I call you God? God: You may call [...]
Humorous Closure Letter
Humorous Closure Letter. NEVER EVER SEND THIS!! It is only to be filled out! Fill one out letter for each person that you need closure with. I wrote this because someone did steal my Beatle’s cards from my locker in the 6th grade, and I needed a [...]
Evaluating God or “Is it hot in here or is it just me?”
Being a minister and a nurse has afforded me the opportunity to be around a lot of small talk regarding the Almighty. Usually people just whisper their displeasure. Some folks I run into are denying the existence of a mighty powerful figure aka G-O-D. The Jews write [...]
Bubble Meditation
This Bubble Meditation was created as I grieved the death of Dawn Williams. I was a trusted friend to her, she lived with my family and I taught her how to drive. At age 29 was killed in a tragic accident and left behind her 7 year [...]
Forgive and Forget?
Unity Talk - July 1, 2018 Once upon a time in their marriage, Saul Rosenberg did something really stupid. Ethel Rosenberg chewed him out for it. He apologized, they made up. However, from time to time, Ethel would mention what he had done. "Honey," Saul finally said [...]
What is a Miracle?
Unity Talk - May 2013 My question for you today is What is a Miracle… What really is the miracle? How do you know if you are in the presence of a miracle? And If you pray for a miracle, how do you know if you received [...]